
AFYD Ireland (Angling for Youth Development Ireland) is a volunteer based programme. Through its structures and activities it strives toward a sustainable culture of inclusivity and angling excellence, enabling the personal development of young people through the sport of angling.

Why Angling?

AFYDI is not just about fishing as a sport. It can help address many other issues and act as a springboard to channel young people into new experiences and opportunities.

Angling in all its forms is a great leveller, because it builds bridges across social and economic divides. It can help develop a young person’s motivation, skills, self-confidence, social care, personal enterprise, and promote physical exercise and good health. It can also lead to the development of a more responsible lifestyle.

It is a useful educational tool, in that the sport calls for knowledge of science, geology, geography, natural and social history.

It can provide employment opportunities and assist in a community’s economic growth.

Angling can also address social problems by reducing crime, truancy and anti-social behaviour, thereby helping to create safer and more caring communities.

It can be a positive, pro-active, and creative force for the improvement of both our social and natural environments.

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Rathcormac Angling Hub Taster Day 04/07/2018

Rathcormac Angling Hub had a taster day for new members on Saturday the 4th of August 2018. The day was very well attended by both Female and Male Participants and an array of topics were included.

These were Kick Sampling, Entomology looking at invertebrates under microscope, Fly tying, Casting on the village green of spinning rods, Fly Fishing Rods, Display of Sea Fishing Rods. The use of life-jackets and throw ropes were also discussed and tried out on the day. There are a number of new Anglers signed up to the Hub and they cannot wait for the next event.

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